Ensuring Responsible and Safe AI for a Better Future
Ensuring Responsible and Safe AI for a Better Future
Dec 2024
Libra-Leaderboard: Towards Responsible AI through a Balanced Leaderboard of Safety and Capability
Libra-Leaderboard: Towards Responsible AI through a Balanced Leaderboard of Safety and Capability
Haonan Li, Xudong Han, Zenan Zhai, Honglin Mu, Hao Wang, Zhenxuan Zhang, Yilin Geng, Shom Lin, Renxi Wang, Artem Shelmanov, Xiangyu Qi, Yuxia Wang, Donghai Hong, Youliang Yuan, Meng Chen, Haoqin Tu, Fajri Koto, Tatsuki Kuribayashi, Cong Zeng, Rishabh Bhardwaj, Bingchen Zhao, Yawen Duan, Yi Liu, Emad A. Alghamdi, Yaodong Yang, Yinpeng Dong, Soujanya Poria, Pengfei Liu, Zhengzhong Liu, Xuguang Ren, Eduard Hovy, Iryna Gurevych, Preslav Nakov, Monojit Choudhury, Timothy Baldwin
As large language models (LLMs) continue to evolve, leaderboards play a significant role in steering their development. Existing leaderboards often prioritize model capabilities while overlooking safety concerns, leaving a significant gap in responsible AI development. To address this gap, we introduce Libra-Leaderboard, a comprehensive framework designed to rank LLMs through a balanced evaluation of performance and safety. Combining a dynamic leaderboard with an interactive LLM arena, Libra-Leaderboard encourages the joint optimization of capability and safety. Unlike traditional approaches that average performance and safety metrics, Libra-Leaderboard uses a distance-to-optimal-score method to calculate the overall rankings. This approach incentivizes models to achieve a balance rather than excelling in one dimension at the expense of some other ones. In the first release, Libra-Leaderboard evaluates 26 mainstream LLMs from 14 leading organizations, identifying critical safety challenges even in state-of-the-art models.
Oct 2024
Loki: An Open-Source Tool for Fact Verification
Loki: An Open-Source Tool for Fact Verification
Haonan Li, Xudong Han, Hao Wang, Yuxia Wang, Minghan Wang, Rui Xing, Yilin Geng, Zenan Zhai, Preslav Nakov, Timothy Baldwin
We introduce Loki, an open-source tool designed to address the growing problem of misinformation. Loki adopts a human-centered approach, striking a balance between the quality of fact-checking and the cost of human involvement. It decomposes the fact-checking task into a five-step pipeline: breaking down long texts into individual claims, assessing their check-worthiness, generating queries, retrieving evidence, and verifying the claims. Instead of fully automating the claim verification process, Loki provides essential information at each step to assist human judgment, especially for general users such as journalists and content moderators. Moreover, it has been optimized for latency, robustness, and cost efficiency at a commercially usable level. Loki is released under an MIT license and is available on GitHub. We also provide a video presenting the system and its capabilities.
Oct 2024
Stealthy Jailbreak Attacks on Large Language Models via Benign Data Mirroring
Stealthy Jailbreak Attacks on Large Language Models via Benign Data Mirroring
Honglin Mu, Han He, Yuxin Zhou, Yunlong Feng, Yang Xu, Libo Qin, Xiaoming Shi, Zeming Liu, Xudong Han, Qi Shi, Qingfu Zhu, Wanxiang Che
Large language model (LLM) safety is a critical issue, with numerous studies employing red team testing to enhance model security. Among these, jailbreak methods explore potential vulnerabilities by crafting malicious prompts that induce model outputs contrary to safety alignments. Existing black-box jailbreak methods often rely on model feedback, repeatedly submitting queries with detectable malicious instructions during the attack search process. Although these approaches are effective, the attacks may be intercepted by content moderators during the search process. We propose an improved transfer attack method that guides malicious prompt construction by locally training a mirror model of the target black-box model through benign data distillation. This method offers enhanced stealth, as it does not involve submitting identifiable malicious instructions to the target model during the search phase. Our approach achieved a maximum attack success rate of 92%, or a balanced value of 80% with an average of 1.5 detectable jailbreak queries per sample against GPT-3.5 Turbo on a subset of AdvBench. These results underscore the need for more robust defense mechanisms.
Mar 2024
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2024
Do-not-answer: Evaluating safeguards in LLMs
Do-not-answer: Evaluating safeguards in LLMs
Yuxia Wang, Haonan Li, Xudong Han, Preslav Nakov, Timothy Baldwin
With the rapid evolution of large language models (LLMs), new and hard-to-predict harmful capabilities are emerging. This requires developers to identify potential risks through the evaluation of “dangerous capabilities” in order to responsibly deploy LLMs. Here we aim to facilitate this process. In particular, we collect an open-source dataset to evaluate the safeguards in LLMs, to facilitate the deployment of safer open-source LLMs at a low cost. Our dataset is curated and filtered to consist only of instructions that responsible language models should not follow. We assess the responses of six popular LLMs to these instructions, and we find that simple BERT-style classifiers can achieve results that are comparable to GPT-4 on automatic safety evaluation. Our data and code are available at https://github. com/Libr-AI/do-not-answer
Mar 2024
Against The Achilles' Heel: A Survey on Red Teaming for Generative Models
Against The Achilles' Heel: A Survey on Red Teaming for Generative Models
Lizhi Lin, Honglin Mu, Zenan Zhai, Minghan Wang, Yuxia Wang, Renxi Wang, Junjie Gao, Yixuan Zhang, Wanxiang Che, Timothy Baldwin, Xudong Han, Haonan Li
Generative models are rapidly gaining popularity and being integrated into everyday applications, raising concerns over their safety issues as various vulnerabilities are exposed. Faced with the problem, the field of red teaming is experiencing fast-paced growth, which highlights the need for a comprehensive organization covering the entire pipeline and addressing emerging topics for the community. Our extensive survey, which examines over 120 papers, introduces a taxonomy of fine-grained attack strategies grounded in the inherent capabilities of language models. Additionally, we have developed the searcher framework that unifies various automatic red teaming approaches. Moreover, our survey covers novel areas including multimodal attacks and defenses, risks around multilingual models, overkill of harmless queries, and safety of downstream applications. We hope this survey can provide a systematic perspective on the field and unlock new areas of research.
Feb 2024
A Chinese Dataset for Evaluating the Safeguards in Large Language Models
A Chinese Dataset for Evaluating the Safeguards in Large Language Models
Yuxia Wang, Zenan Zhai, Haonan Li, Xudong Han, Lizhi Lin, Zhenxuan Zhang, Jingru Zhao, Preslav Nakov, Timothy Baldwin
Many studies have demonstrated that large language models (LLMs) can produce harmful responses, exposing users to unexpected risks when LLMs are deployed. Previous studies have proposed comprehensive taxonomies of the risks posed by LLMs, as well as corresponding prompts that can be used to examine the safety mechanisms of LLMs. However, the focus has been almost exclusively on English, and little has been explored for other languages. Here we aim to bridge this gap. We first introduce a dataset for the safety evaluation of Chinese LLMs, and then extend it to two other scenarios that can be used to better identify false negative and false positive examples in terms of risky prompt rejections. We further present a set of fine-grained safety assessment criteria for each risk type, facilitating both manual annotation and automatic evaluation in terms of LLM response harmfulness. Our experiments on five LLMs show that region-specific risks are the prevalent type of risk, presenting the major issue with all Chinese LLMs we experimented with. Warning: this paper contains example data that may be offensive, harmful, or biased.
Dec 2023
Understanding the Instruction Mixture for Large Language Model
Understanding the Instruction Mixture for Large Language Model
Renxi Wang, Minghao Wu, Yuxia Wang, Xudong Han, Chiyu Zhang, Haonan Li
While instructions fine-tuning of large language models (LLMs) has been proven to enhance performance across various applications, the influence of the instruction dataset mixture on LLMs has not been thoroughly explored. In this study, we classify instructions into three main types: NLP downstream tasks, coding, and general chatting, and investigate their impact on LLMs. Our findings reveal that specific types of instructions are more beneficial for particular uses, while it may cause harms to other aspects, emphasizing the importance of meticulously designing the instruction mixture to maximize model performance. This study sheds light on the instruction mixture and paves the way for future research.
Nov 2023
Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing and the 3rd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)
Uncertainty Estimation for Debiased Models: Does Fairness Hurt Reliability?
Uncertainty Estimation for Debiased Models: Does Fairness Hurt Reliability?
Gleb Kuzmin, Artem Vazhentsev, Artem Shelmanov, Xudong Han, Simon Suster, Maxim Panov, Alexander Panchenko, Timothy Baldwin
When deploying a machine learning model, one should aim not only to optimize performance metrics such as accuracy but also care about model fairness and reliability. Fairness means that the model is prevented from learning spurious correlations between a target variable and socio-economic attributes, and is generally achieved by applying debiasing techniques. Model reliability stems from the ability to determine whether we can trust model predictions for the given data. This can be achieved using uncertainty estimation (UE) methods. Debiasing and UE techniques potentially interfere with each other, raising the question of whether we can achieve both reliability and fairness at the same time. This work aims to answer this question empirically based on an extensive series of experiments combining state-of-the-art UE and debiasing methods, and examining the impact on model performance, fairness, and reliability. 1
When deploying a machine learning model, one should aim not only to optimize performance metrics such as accuracy but also care about model fairness and reliability. Fairness means that the model is prevented from learning spurious correlations between a target variable and socio-economic attributes, and is generally achieved by applying debiasing techniques. Model reliability stems from the ability to determine whether we can trust model predictions for the given data. This can be achieved using uncertainty estimation (UE) methods. Debiasing and UE techniques potentially interfere with each other, raising the question of whether we can achieve both reliability and fairness at the same time. This work aims to answer this question empirically based on an extensive series of experiments combining state-of-the-art UE and debiasing methods, and examining the impact on model performance, fairness, and reliability.
Feb 2023
Fair enough: Standardizing evaluation and model selection for fairness research in NLP
Fair enough: Standardizing evaluation and model selection for fairness research in NLP
Xudong Han, Timothy Baldwin, Trevor Cohn
Modern NLP systems exhibit a range of biases, which a growing literature on model debiasing attempts to correct. However current progress is hampered by a plurality of definitions of bias, means of quantification, and oftentimes vague relation between debiasing algorithms and theoretical measures of bias. This paper seeks to clarify the current situation and plot a course for meaningful progress in fair learning, with two key contributions: (1) making clear inter-relations among the current gamut of methods, and their relation to fairness theory; and (2) addressing the practical problem of model selection, which involves a trade-off between fairness and accuracy and has led to systemic issues in fairness research. Putting them together, we make several recommendations to help shape future work.
Dec 2022
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations
Fairlib: A unified framework for assessing and improving fairness
Fairlib: A unified framework for assessing and improving fairness
Xudong Han, Aili Shen, Yitong Li, Lea Frermann, Timothy Baldwin, Trevor Cohn
This paper presents FairLib, an open-source python library for assessing and improving model fairness. It provides a systematic framework for quickly accessing benchmark datasets, reproducing existing debiasing baseline models, developing new methods, evaluating models with different metrics, and visualizing their results. Its modularity and extensibility enable the framework to be used for diverse types of inputs, including natural language, images, and audio. We implement 14 debiasing methods, including pre-processing, at-training-time, and post-processing approaches. The built-in metrics cover the most commonly acknowledged fairness criteria and can be further generalized and customized for fairness evaluation.
Otc 2022
Systematic evaluation of predictive fairness
Systematic evaluation of predictive fairness
Xudong Han, Aili Shen, Trevor Cohn, Timothy Baldwin, Lea Frermann
Mitigating bias in training on biased datasets is an important open problem. Several techniques have been proposed, however the typical evaluation regime is very limited, considering very narrow data conditions. For instance, the effect of target class imbalance and stereotyping is under-studied. To address this gap, we examine the performance of various debiasing methods across multiple tasks, spanning binary classification (Twitter sentiment), multi-class classification (profession prediction), and regression (valence prediction). Through extensive experimentation, we find that data conditions have a strong influence on relative model performance, and that general conclusions cannot be drawn about method efficacy when evaluating only on standard datasets, as is current practice in fairness research.
Stp 2022
The 11th International Conference on Learning Representations
Everybody needs good neighbours: An unsupervised locality-based method for bias mitigation
Everybody needs good neighbours: An unsupervised locality-based method for bias mitigation
Xudong Han, Timothy Baldwin, Trevor Cohn
Learning models from human behavioural data often leads to outputs that are biased with respect to user demographics, such as gender or race. This effect can be controlled by explicit mitigation methods, but this typically presupposes access to demographically-labelled training data. Such data is often not available, motivating the need for unsupervised debiasing methods. To this end, we propose a new meta-algorithm for debiasing representation learning models, which combines the notions of data locality and accuracy of model fit, such that a supervised debiasing method can optimise fairness between neighbourhoods of poorly vs. well modelled instances as identified by our method. Results over five datasets, spanning natural language processing and structured data classification tasks, show that our technique recovers proxy labels that correlate with unknown demographic data, and that our method outperforms all unsupervised baselines, while also achieving competitive performance with state-of-the-art supervised methods which are given access to demographic labels.
May 2022
Optimising equal opportunity fairness in model training
Optimising equal opportunity fairness in model training
Aili Shen, Xudong Han, Trevor Cohn, Timothy Baldwin, Lea Frermann
Real-world datasets often encode stereotypes and societal biases. Such biases can be implicitly captured by trained models, leading to biased predictions and exacerbating existing societal preconceptions. Existing debiasing methods, such as adversarial training and removing protected information from representations, have been shown to reduce bias. However, a disconnect between fairness criteria and training objectives makes it difficult to reason theoretically about the effectiveness of different techniques. In this work, we propose two novel training objectives which directly optimise for the widely-used criterion of {\it equal opportunity}, and show that they are effective in reducing bias while maintaining high performance over two classification tasks.
Stp 2021
Evaluating debiasing techniques for intersectional biases
Evaluating debiasing techniques for intersectional biases
Shivashankar Subramanian, Xudong Han, Timothy Baldwin, Trevor Cohn, Lea Frermann
Bias is pervasive in NLP models, motivating the development of automatic debiasing techniques. Evaluation of NLP debiasing methods has largely been limited to binary attributes in isolation, e.g., debiasing with respect to binary gender or race, however many corpora involve multiple such attributes, possibly with higher cardinality. In this paper we argue that a truly fair model must consider `gerrymandering' groups which comprise not only single attributes, but also intersectional groups. We evaluate a form of bias-constrained model which is new to NLP, as well an extension of the iterative nullspace projection technique which can handle multiple protected attributes.
Stp 2021
Balancing out bias: Achieving fairness through balanced training
Balancing out bias: Achieving fairness through balanced training
Xudong Han, Timothy Baldwin, Trevor Cohn
Group bias in natural language processing tasks manifests as disparities in system error rates across texts authorized by different demographic groups, typically disadvantaging minority groups. Dataset balancing has been shown to be effective at mitigating bias, however existing approaches do not directly account for correlations between author demographics and linguistic variables, limiting their effectiveness. To achieve Equal Opportunity fairness, such as equal job opportunity without regard to demographics, this paper introduces a simple, but highly effective, objective for countering bias using balanced training. We extend the method in the form of a gated model, which incorporates protected attributes as input, and show that it is effective at reducing bias in predictions through demographic input perturbation, outperforming all other bias mitigation techniques when combined with balanced training.
Jan 2021
Diverse adversaries for mitigating bias in training
Diverse adversaries for mitigating bias in training
Xudong Han, Timothy Baldwin, Trevor Cohn
Adversarial learning can learn fairer and less biased models of language than standard methods. However, current adversarial techniques only partially mitigate model bias, added to which their training procedures are often unstable. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to adversarial learning based on the use of multiple diverse discriminators, whereby discriminators are encouraged to learn orthogonal hidden representations from one another. Experimental results show that our method substantially improves over standard adversarial removal methods, in terms of reducing bias and the stability of training.
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Looking to enhance the safety of your AI system?
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